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  • Writer's pictureTom moule

Plant of the week: Erica ‘Albert’s Gold’

This tough medium sized heath makes a great addition to any garden. As an evergreen shrub it provides plenty of Winter interest and produces small white flowers in Spring.

The golden needle-like foliage and small fragrant white flowers help it stand out when amongst other plants in garden borders. As well as being brightly coloured all year round, it is also hardy and can withstand temperatures as low as -10 degrees Celsius.

It’s upright nature means it grows up to 2 meters in height, whilst spreading 1 meter when fully matured(in 10 years). This very versatile shrub can used in garden beds, borders, containers and even in hanging baskets.

For best results, plant in a sunny spot which has good drainage. Preferring acidic soil, it is advised that when planting you use ericaceous compost to surround the rootball.

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